Collins Plum Grove Cemetery Greenup, Greenup County, Kentucky Contributed by Paul Leadingham []. Total records = 156 Collins Plum Grove Cemetery as of October 1999. The "Collins" Plum Grove Cemetery can be located by taking U.S. Route 1 South "Known as E.K. Road" off U.S. 23 at Greenup, Greenup County, Kentucky for three miles. Turn right onto Plum grove road by the three mile Baptist church and go about a mile and a half and turn right up a steep hill for 200 yards and the Plum Grove Baptist church is on your right. The "Collins" Plum Grove Cemetery is behind and to the left of the church. The Plum Grove Community Cemetery is across the road from the Church and was the original Community Cemetery. The following Cemetery recordings were done by Minnie Anderson in September of 1999, and the information forwarded to Meredith Paul Leadingham on Oct 2, 1999. Information is current as of Dec 19, 1999. From: (Minnie Anderson)