Gethsemane Cemetery Chenault, Breckinridge County, Kentucky Lat: 38° 01' 25"N, Lon: 86° 30' 35"W T6S R1W Sec 4 Contributed by Dennis Lamb, Nov 08, 2006 []. Total records = 50. From Hardinsburg, proceed north on Hwy 259 to the Yellowbank River Preserve, cross the bridge over the Yellowbank and turn left onto Chenault Ln. Follow Chenault Ln., turning left and then right to a fork in the road and a farm gate direct ahead. The cemetery is on the right at the fork in the road. This cemetery is listed by the County as Gethsemane but it may be known better locally as the Frymire or Cunningham Cemetery. It is a small operating cemetery that is well kept. It is located in the Chenault Bottoms near the Ohio River. BRECKINRIDGE COUNTY ARCHIVES HARDINSBURG, KY 40143