PROCESSION was a method of verifying the boundaries of a person's property. The church appointed men to walk the boundary lines of certain properties. Property lines being barely discernable through swamp and brush, the men walked one behind the other instead of side by side. Therefore, the term applied to the walk was "procession". The concerned property owners or their representatives were supposed to be there to point out the way and the landmarks that defined the boundary. EX: Processioned for Henry AVERIT in presents of James MOOR Henry AVERIT and William TURNER. Note that the last two listings below indicate that no one was present to show the processioners where the lines were. This was during the time when the church of each parish was basically responsible for much of the law. In the case(s) you list, the order for PROCESSION was given/made by the Vestry of Society Parish and since this was in 1770, it was definitely before the Revolution and in the time when the Church of England was the controlling authority in the English colonies. EX: Some part of Thomas BARKER Land not sd Jesse ? nobody appeared to show lines - and William Williams not appeared to show his lines and it was lost? Some part of a piece of land belonging to Mr. MEADE nobody appeared to show the lines.